projekty unii europejskiej


Lubas company in the honourable group of PAIH

On Wednesday, 10 March of the current year webinar ¡Vamos a Chile! took place, being the second ¡Vamos a…! thematic meeting.

The seminar was organised by the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Latin American Business Council with the partner Santander Bank Polska in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH).

The online meeting was hosted by the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce. During more than two hours of lectures, the following speakers delivered their speeches: Andrzej Arendarski (President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce), Jarosław Filipczak (President of the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce), Andrzej Szumowski (Vice-President of the Polish-Latin American Business Council), Tomasz Szymczak (Director of the Export Centre in Polish Investment and Trade Agency), Jacek Gawryszewski (Ambassador of Poland in Chile), Enrique Carrasco San Martin (Director of ProChile agency in Poland).

Mr Adam Czerka, Head of the Foreign Trade Office of PAIH S.A. in Santiago de Chile, presented the characteristics of the Chilean market, export niches for Polish entrepreneurs, legal and tariff differences, cultural conditions, opportunities, and threats. Zuzanna Gołębiewska, Director of the Polish-Latin American Business Council presented practical aspects of establishing cooperation and maintaining business relations. Whereas, Mr Adam Styś, International Business Manager, and Ms Anna Wierzbicka, Manager of the International Trade Team of Santander Bank Polska S.A. presented financial solutions and products facilitating relationships on the foreign market.

During the Webinar, a significant amount of time was devoted to discussing case studies of Polish companies entering markets in this region of Latin America. Lubas company had the honour to express its opinion in the Case Study concerning the introduction of Lubas products. Mariusz Ziółkowski, Export Manager representing Lubas company, presented opportunities and threats of implementing polyurethane products widely used in open pit mining of aggregates in Chile. The lecture was divided into two blocks. The first one concerned the company’s profile and the other presented the skills acquired in introducing Polish products to the Chilean aggregates market.

The number of countries to which Lubas brand products are sold is steadily increasing, and sales are growing every year. The qualities characteristic for Lubas products are uniqueness and utility. With the aim of developing the mining industry in Chile, Lubas rises to the challenge of supplying mines with high quality and long-life products.

The webinar ended with a panel of questions from participants, to which our representative was happy to answer.

We hope that in the future we will have a chance to participate in similar online meetings, which nowadays are becoming a quite common activity.

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