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30th anniversary of Lubas. This ball will make history!

Polyurethane manufacturer Lubas is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. A grand ball was held in Zajazd Sebory in Przasnysz on 13 May to mark the occasion. The event was attended by the staff and other guests, such as the Head of Wieczfnia Kościelna commune Mariusz Gębala. One of the most popular contemporary Polish bands, Piękni i Młodzi, performed live on stage. The evening will certainly be remembered for a long time. 

30 years is long enough for an individual, and even more so for a business, to acquire the knowledge, experience, and potential needed to operate with confidence and efficiency in the years to come. I feel that our company has achieved a lot in the last 30 years. It was an important and productive time for us, said CEO Mariusz Lubas in the opening of his speech delivered at the ball that marked the 30th anniversary of the company. It’s hard to disagree with him. In the last three decades, the family business Lubas has been making continual and dynamic progress. Though its beginnings were far from easy, today, Lubas is the leading manufacturer of polyurethane products in Poland, as well as on the international market. The last few years were especially successful for Lubas – the company participated in prestigious industry fairs abroad, established relations with market leaders across the world, increased its exports, developed technologically, and received an award from “Forbes” magazine.   It has plenty of reasons to celebrate.

On the jubilee, CEO Mariusz Lubas wanted to honour the staff members who have worked at Lubas for the longest time, namely: Leszek Orkiszewski, Krzysztof Siekierski, Zbigniew Lubacha, Małgorzata Wiśniewska, Dorota Kaczerska, and Dorota Błaszkiewicz. Most of them have been with the company for more than 20 years. Manager Mariusz Mróz received congratulations from the CEO on stage for his hard work and commitment. From the very beginning, Lubas has had one vision, which was to manufacture good, high-quality products. On this special day, I’d like to emphasise with satisfaction that we have been successfully implementing this vision. Owing to the team’s commitment, our company is known for high quality, reliability, and responsibility, while the cooperation with our contractors gives us great satisfaction in doing our job well. Our highly skilled staff members are the essence and supreme value for the company, Mariusz Lubas stressed in his speech.

Wiesław Lubas, who established the company 30 years ago, spoke at the jubilee celebrations too. Though few people knew what polyurethane was at the time, he firmly believed his business had a future and was worth developing. He had spent years working at the Warsaw University of Technology, and had extensive knowledge and experience, as well as an incredible intuition. He decided to take the chance and set up his own innovative business. He never doubted his idea and got convinced even more firmly that he was right when the business achieved its first successes. Today, he is still professionally involved in Lubas, though not to the same extent as before. He handed over the reins to his son Mariusz who runs the company now.

We can’t deny that the evening was very emotional and deeply moving. Apart from the staff, the company invited representatives of local government authorities, including the head of Wieczfnia Kościelna commune Mariusz Gębala, who has been supporting the enterprise for years.

Plenty of attractions awaited the guests gathered at Zajazd Sebory in Przasnysz, including a show by the international dance group Carnival Stars, and a performance by renowned saxophonist Tomasz Nikodem Busławski, known to the general public as BUSLAV. The star of the evening was one of the most popular Polish bands of the recent years: Piękni i Młodzi, with Magda Narożna as lead singer. The group performed its greatest hits, such as “Niewiara” (“Unbelief”), “Ona jest taka cudowna” (“She’s so wonderful”), and “Jak w bajce (Ti Amo)” (“Like a fairytale (Ti Amo)”). Everyone had a great time almost until dawn. That evening will surely make history and will be remembered by the Lubas staff for many years.


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