projekty unii europejskiej


Health and Development of Mazovia Conference

On 15 September of this year, Health and Development of Mazovia Conference was held in Ciechanów. Health and Development of Mazovia is a series of conferences on European Funds in Mazovia, organized by The Mazovian Unit for the Implementation of European Union Programs.

Lubas Company had the honor and pleasure to present its opinion in the “Ciechanów Subregion in the face of the pandemic – barriers and challenges” panel, devoted to the beneficiaries in the subject of fighting against the pandemic and the development of the Lubas Company in this difficult period.

The conference was opened by Adam Struzik, the Marshall of Mazowieckie Voivodship. Elżbieta Szymanik, Deputy Director for EFS in the Mazovian Unit for the Implementation of European Union, spoke about the past perspective of EU financial support. While Marcin Wajda, Director of the Department of Regional Development and EU Funds presented the concept of the future financial perspective.

The invited beneficiaries spoke about the barriers and challenges in the face of the pandemic and about the funding they have obtained over the years. The speakers were: Joanna Potocka – Rak, Staroste of Ciechanow District; Andrzej Kamasa, Director of Regional Specialist Hospital in Ciechanow; Iwona Szwejkowska, Head of Development Department of I. Mościcki State Higher Vocational School; Piotr Wójcik, Chancellor of I. Mościcki State Higher Vocational School in Ciechanow; Robert Szczepankowski, T4B President. Krzysztof Przybyłko was a Lubas Company representative and he talked about ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and about the investments made with EU funds. Whereas Elżbieta Kozubek, Director of the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning spoke about public consultation which is crucial to implement the new financial perspective.

The Conference ended with a performance prepared by the District Culture Centre in Ciechanow.

Conference link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAVvY69prdc


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Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego